Alright, alright!!

cos-mo-post-al-an [koz-muh-postal-en]: adjective/noun
1. a person
who belongs to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world; can make their home anywhere in the world.
2. a person who believes fully that postage stamps and mail connect the world, regardless of where, from or to, they go.
3. the joyful experience of knowing you're a local because your mail made it to its destination

The postage stamp is truly wonderful. It can travel the world, experience the lives of a million different people, go through the doors of strangers; and never once lose sight of where it's headed.
Welcome to the land of cosmopostalan : travel, mail and words. It's a crazy little place in my corner of the woods; wherever that may be!

Monday, May 14, 2012

xo. mothers and mail .ox

A letter was sent to my mother yesterday, in appreciation of the day that reminds us all of exactly where we came from.

To all the mothers out there, with us, or in a better place, currently a mother, once a mother, soon to be a mother; forever and always our mothers; we thank you.

To my mother-- Happy Mothers Day to the woman that has always encouraged my endeavours. I thank you wholly.

Send a letter to your mother--
                          ~ Ms. Always Traveling

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Thank you for your lovely postal ponderings!
May today be a beautiful, full-of-mail kind-of day!
~ Ms. Always Traveling